Mobility and lifestyles

the futures of mobility, socio-demographic changes and new lifestyles

extensive temporalities linked to the explosion of complex trip chaining patterns

the increasing overlapping of activity patterns, modes, and speeds

the impact of intelligent mobility on the processes of mode and route choices

constellar mobility and the influence of social networks on mobility choices in real-time


Territories & Prospectives

nearness dynamics and network connectivity on a grand territorial scale

the outlying centralities, great landscapes, and mobility infrastructures as landmarks at the heart of suburban life

increasingly complex weighing of the short and long-distances to weigh the locations chosen for businesses and households

long-distance commuting and multiple residential patterns

the intertwining of infraurban and interurban scales, giving rise to new supply chain models and new intermodal platforms


The multimodal city

developing mechanisms to coordinate sectorialpolicies with impacts over territorial development and articulate these at different territorial levels

increasing hybridization patterns of public.private transport and shared modes

the development of the physical Internet, the city-screen and accessorizing - and their combined effects on navigation, intermodality and last-mile integrated management

walking as the linchpin of an intermodal city

art and urban design as levers for multimodal interfacing and animation of public spaces