
Research specialist in the areas of mobility and sustainable territorial development, Sonia Lavadinho has built up her professional career at the crossroads of the French, Portuguese, and Anglo-Saxon worlds.

A geographer by training, with a strong background in urban sociology and anthropology, Sonia Lavadinho draws from an extensive set of analytical tools for spatial analysis: she combines quantitative and qualitative methodologies to better understand the behavioural choices involved in matters of mobility, and to develop areas of innovative research that relate to the rapid development of mobility and its implications on the transformation of the urban landscape.

Recognized expert in the fields of intermodal cities and their various means of mobility and activity, with a solid career background dealing with both mobility-focused consulting firms (BürofürMobilität, Mobilidée) and prestigious research organizations (EcolePolytechniqueFédérale de Lausanne, EcoleNormaleSupérieure de Lyon, University of Geneva), Sonia Lavadinho offers her consulting expertise to local authorities, mobility operators andprivate businesses, with a research perspectivethat aims to apply itself to society as a whole.